Things to consider before using screw pile design Screw pile installation doesn’t have to be stressful, it can be easily done smoothly by considering the right factors. Piles of screws are rolled into the ground, just like screws rolled over wood. This is an efficient installation medium, together with its charge dispersion mechanism, which can provide effective underground performance in a variety of soils, including seismic zones with liquefaction potential. Obviously, the soil situation varies from place to place and it’s better to get the location invested if you are planning to build a house on screw piles. Generally, the life of a screw pile is about 75 years depending upon the average condition of the soil. There are a variety of options available in the Screw Pile Design , it is important to choose the suitable option for safe construction. Keep on reading the blog to know about the things to consider before going through Screw Pile Installation !...