Beneficial points related to screw pile installation that you should know

If you belong to the building industry, you might know how important the screw piles are for effective ground performance. Before beginning with any project, it is important to be aware of the pros and cons of the screw pile installation Melbourne so, that you don’t wake up with any future consequences. 

screw piles

  • Quick Install 

Screw piles and spiral anchors are typically installed using traditional construction machinery such as truck excavators and mini excavators with properly sized low-speed high torque hydraulic motors. There is no need to move special equipment such as cranes with pile hammers or large drilling rigs. This allows for quick and inexpensive mobilization. The contractor can respond quickly and be on site. 

  • Immediate load-bearing 

Screw piles and spiral anchors are unique among all foundations so, that they can be loaded immediately after installation. You don't have to wait for the concrete or mortar to harden, and you don't have to wait for stakeout until the pore water pressure is released excessively. 

  • Minimal Construction Site Impairment 

Compared to most other construction activities where driven piles, bores, or other anchor systems are installed, screw pile and screw anchor installations cause little or no construction site impairment. Especially when installing screw piles and screw anchors, there are usually no floor cut-outs. This keeps the sites clean, requires minimal cleaning at each installation site after installation, and usually reduces project costs. 

  • Installation supervision and load-bearing capacity verification during assembly

One of the most important characteristics of the screw pile and spiral anchor is load-bearing capacity verification during assembly. In some cases, this is similar to monitoring the installation of driven piles with a pile-driving analyser during installation. This is possible by using an in-line direct torque meter that measures the installation torque as the pile/anchor penetrates the ground. 

  • Installation in remote areas or restricted access 

Screw piles and spiral anchors tend to have higher mobilization costs and other construction support services may be restricted or unavailable remotely. Suitable for local projects. Some project locations are overloaded or have limited access to construction machinery. 

  • Installation in high groundwater conditions 

Screw piles and spiral anchors usually do not require excavation for installation. When used to support existing structures, shallow excavation may be required to expose the existing foundation. 

  • Simple bay changes to increase bearing capacity 

One of the other unique characteristics of highly versatile thread piles and thread anchors is the ability to quickly change the composition of thread elements to increase bearing capacity. This is partially achieved by the modularity of the technology. 

  • Low Carbon Footprint-Sustainable Technology 

Many companies of screw piles and screw anchors use high quality recycled steel for their production for the low carbon print. This saves natural resources and energy and reduces overall carbon dioxide emissions. Screw piles and helical anchors are good for supporting temporary structures because they can be easily removed and reused with little change in structural integrity.


Hope you enjoyed reading the above article, take expert advice to learn about screw piles Melbourne in detail.


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